Advisors: Autogenerate a Fam Report from your Insights

  1. Getting Started:
    • Open FamGuru and proceed to the section labeled ‘active fam trips’.
    • For this tutorial, we'll be referencing a trip to Greece. Click on your desired trip.
  2. Initiating the Report Generation:
    • Upon selecting your trip, locate the icon that looks like a box with an upward-pointing arrow (this might be obscured by a microphone icon, depending on your screen layout).
    • Click on the icon, prompting a request to generate a PDF. This is your golden ticket to converting all that hard work into a presentable, shareable format!
  3. Understanding the Generated Report:
    • Once you confirm, FamGuru will quickly process and consolidate the information from your trip.
    • What's unveiled is a high-level itinerary detailing your entire trip. It’s laid out similarly to the familiar itineraries, giving you a neat overview of your journey.
    • The report also breaks down individual components of your trip. Only the parts of the journey that you've reviewed will be included. So, whether it's a unique breakfast experience or a visit to a scenic spot, if you've reviewed it, it's in the report.
  4. Distinguishing Between Public Reviews and Private Insights:
    • The report segregates both public reviews (possibly shared with hosts or fellow fam trip members) and private insights, which are exclusively for your eyes or those you choose to share with.
  5. Upcoming Enhancements:
    • Presently, the report collates all the information from your trip into a single document. But as FamGuru evolves, anticipate more flexibility! Soon, you'll be able to generate reports on specific segments like a particular hotel or a chosen destination.
  6. The Importance of Comprehensive Input:
    • Remember the principle: "garbage in equals garbage out." A report is only as good as the data fed into it. For a detailed, insightful report, ensure you capture your experiences, upload photos, and record ratings during your trip.
  7. Conclusion:
    • A feature like auto-generating reports is symbolic of FamGuru’s dedication to streamlining your work processes. But remember, the quality of the report hinges on the depth of the details you provide.
    • Invest time in logging your experiences, and FamGuru will reward you with a rich, shareable document that not only impresses but informs your colleagues and clients.