Advisors: Adding an “Other” Booking to your Self-directed Fam

What to do when unique activities don't fit neatly into standard categories. FamGuru's flexibility ensures every aspect of your trip is well-documented, regardless of how unusual or personalized it may be.

  1. Navigating to Your Itinerary:
    • Open your FamGuru app and proceed to your chosen trip – in this instance, Carrie uses her self-directed fam trip to Greece.
    • Although there are multiple ways to access your itinerary, for today's tutorial, select it by clicking the three lines (hamburger icon) located at the top left.

      Adding 'Other Bookings':

    • Once you've opened your itinerary, decide when you'd like to insert the unique activity. In our example, it's "yoga on the terrace" scheduled for October 11th.
    • Click the '+' icon in the lower right corner to open a menu.
    • Navigate past the standard options such as hotel stay, inspection, and restaurant, to select the 'Other' option, signifying this is a unique booking.

      Inputting Booking Details:

    • Although the app offers a search feature (thanks to Google integration), some activities won't be found in Google's database. Our "yoga on the terrace" is a prime example.
    • To directly input details, click the 'Add' button.
    • Fill in the details:
      • Activity: "Yoga on the Terrace"
      • Location: If associated with a recognizable place (like a hotel), try searching. For this guide, Carrie's yoga activity is at the "Katakias Centurina" hotel.
      • Additional Information: Add comments or specifics about the activity. For instance, "on the common area terrace."

        Specifying Dates and Time:

    • Assign the date for your activity; here, it's October 11th.
    • Set a start time and an end time for your activity, ensuring a seamless integration into your overall itinerary.

      Optional Additions:

    • FamGuru allows users to input contacts, photos, and even files related to the activity. While Carrie doesn't use these in this tutorial, know they're there for your convenience.
    • Include a description if you'd like. In our case, Carrie mentions this yoga session is a private one.
  2. Verifying Your Entry:After saving the details, your itinerary should display the newly added activity. In our demonstration, "Yoga on the Terrace" for October 11th at 6:30 pm is clearly visible.

    Refreshing to Ensure Updates:

    • If for some reason your newly added booking doesn't appear, don't fret!
    • Simply swipe downwards on your screen to refresh and update the itinerary.