Advisors: Accepting a Fam invite, creating your account, adding profile details

1. Finding the Invitation

When you're invited for a FamTrip, you will receive an email in your inbox. Simply locate the email (it might say something like "You're Invited") and open it. Within this email, you'll find options to either accept or reject the invitation.

2. FamGuru Account Creation

If you're new to FamGuru:

  • Click on the invitation in the email.
  • If you don’t have an account, the screen will prompt you to sign up.
  • Ensure that you register using the same email address the invitation was sent to.
  • Follow the usual account setup procedures. Create and confirm a password (make sure to follow the password guidelines).

If you already have a FamGuru account:

  • Simply log in.
  • If you're already logged in, it will take you straight to the FamTrip invitation.

3. Accepting the FamTrip Invitation

Once logged in, under your notifications or trips section, you will see the trip marked as "awaiting confirmation". Click on it to accept. However, before your acceptance is finalized, FamGuru requires some basic profile information.

4. Completing Your Profile

Here's a quick rundown of what's needed:

  • About Me: Click on the pencil/edit icon. Fill in your birthday, email, agency name, phone number, and location. Social media links (like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn) are optional but can be included if you wish.
  • Emergency Contact: Always a safety measure; add a contact name and details.
  • Dietary Information: This is essential for hosts to cater to your needs during the trip. Specify any dietary restrictions or preferences. You can detail items you avoid or are allergic to and even state preferred beverages.

5. Additional Profile Settings (Optional but Recommended)

  • Go to the settings tab in the lower right-hand corner.
  • Click on "Personal Profile".
  • Fill in the Info Tab. It's beneficial to share more about yourself, including any awards, your business history, destinations you've sold or are interested in, and any specializations. This information helps suppliers tailor their FamTrip invitations to match your interests and expertise.

6. Reviewing Your Trip

Now that your profile is complete, and the invitation is accepted, you can view your trip details by clicking on it from the main screen.