Suppliers: Resending a Fam Trip Invite to a Participant

Why Resend an Invite?: Occasionally, you might find that some advisors haven't responded to their fam trip invitations. Various reasons can account for this—perhaps the invitation email was buried in their inbox, got directed to their spam folder, or they just overlooked it. Resending the invite can be an effective way to ensure they see and act on it.

How to Resend an Invite in FamGuru:

  1. Access the Participant List:
    • Start by navigating to the participant list for the specific trip in question. Here, you'll see a list of advisors who've been invited.

      Identify Pending Invitations:

    • Look out for advisors whose status is marked as "pending." This indicates they haven't yet accepted the invite.

      Resend the Invitation:

    • Locate the three-dot icon (often referred to as the "ellipsis") next to the advisor's name.
    • Click on this icon and select "Resend Invite" from the dropdown.
    • This action will trigger FamGuru to send the same invitation email to the selected advisor.